SAPHYRE delivers best technology demonstrator at FNMS |
The Future Network and Mobile Summit in Berlin was the twenty-first in a series of annual conferences on information and communication technologies (ICT) supported by the European Commission. It regularly attracts as many as 500 delegates from both the industrial and research sectors to share experiences and research results, identify future trends, and develop opportunities for business and international research collaboration under the ICT Theme of Framework Programme 7. SAPHYRE had one of the largest exhibition stands at this year’s conference. The presented hardware-in-the loop demo has shown the spectrum sharing between two operators. The real-time testbed, developed by Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute and further enhanced in the course of the project, is based on LTE/Advanced techniques, thus supporting the next generation of mobile communication. In addition to visiting the technology demonstrations and participating in informal discussions with the project partner’s technical staff, visitors could pick up a copy of the newly-published White Paper on resource sharing issued by the SAPHYRE project consortium. A considerable number of conference attendees visited the exhibit, including researchers, business people and members of the European Commission and the European Parliament, providing ample evidence of a high level of interest in the project’s objectives and results. Winning an award for its exhibition stand at the largest European conference on ICT is further encouragement to the consortium to strengthen its efforts to promote awareness amongst operators and regulatory bodies. SAPHYRE ― Sharing Physical Resources Mechanisms and Implementations for Wireless Networks ― is a co-operative research project within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission. It started in January 2010 and will finish at the end December 2012. The consortium is co-ordinated by Technische Universität Dresden and consists of 10 industrial and highly regarded academic and research organisations from across Europe. As the project name implies SAPHYRE intends (i) to show how voluntary sharing of physical and infrastructure resources enables a fundamental, order-of-magnitude gain in the efficiency of spectrum utilisation; (ii) to develop the enabling technology that facilitates such voluntary sharing; and (iii) to determine the key features of a regulatory framework that underpins and promotes such voluntary sharing. SAPHYRE aims at developing new approaches to make better use of the spectrum resources that are available for mobile communication services. Development will be focussed on new principles and enabling technology for resource sharing in wireless networks, specifically for sharing of spectrum and infrastructure. The main topics emphasised in the SAPHYRE project are: self-organising infrastructure sharing, new adaptive spectrum sharing models, efficient autonomous co-ordination, and high spectral efficiency. The common background is that different users can all gain from a collective approach, if they voluntarily share the spectrum between them. But also operators will earn increased revenue by spectrum and infrastructure sharing due to a higher quality of the services they can offer. SAPHYRE Media Contacts Consortium Partners
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Aktualności30 Kreatywnych Wrocławia odebrało wczoraj wyróżnienia z rąk prezydenta Rafała Dutkiewicza.01.07.15
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